Christmas Party!

Posted by SMRAC Chair on 29 October 2021

Hi all,

Hope everyone has been keeping well and for many of our junior athletes who read this email, I hope you have enjoyed your first term back at school & colleges and the R&R over the October break! 

Well I am delighted to announce as the subject title says it’s time to save the date! This year we would like to celebrate the return of athletics, including cross country and road relays events after the coronavirus pandemic and respective lockdowns! 

SMRAC will be doing it’s first Christmas party in conjunction with the end of years awards and AGM! We have planned to have this event on Saturday 11th December 2021, location TBC (dependent on numbers). If you are interested in coming please click on the link (below) and let me know how many people you would like to bring! It is a celebratory event so please bring friends and family. The coaches, volunteers and the committee will be present! Intentions of attending must be completed on the link by Friday 5th November (

Once the committee have an idea of numbers we will provide an update of the Christmas Party's location and more details! 

The committee will be in touch shortly! Any questions, please do not hesitate to reply to this email. 

Best wishes,

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